Thursday, September 6, 2012

upset stomach

because all of me is upset.

This decision is making me really anxious.

I am pretty sure I'll go... but I can't help but thinking it will be an awful mistake.

I already miss my grandparents and family in Cape Breton.

I'll miss my friends, mentors and all others in between.

I'll miss babysitting for Suzanne and Kathryn and several other wonderful families.

I'll miss little bits of home... the holidays, my puppies, my mom clearing her throat and nagging me to clean my room... no, actually, I will not be missing that! :P

I do worry that things won't be the same.

I worry I'll come back too different-- I won't be able to "fit in" in my city. But maybe this isn't something to worry about-- maybe that is the whole point of going.

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