Sunday, September 23, 2012


Met Candra, my roommate, and Eric, my neighbor. They both are super nice and I'm looking forward to this year together! Hope they don't get sick of me too quickly. I brought lots of DVDs to distract them.

Went to church with Eric, and boy was that an experience. Lots of clapping, dancing, swaying and shouting. The school's math teacher sat in front of us and translated. He seems so nice, and I'm assured the other teachers are just as great.

Then we were treated to baladeras (am I spelling this right?!) and Eric said they were the second-best he's ever had.

I also am a complete failure at Spanish but folks are very patient with me. At one (low) point I was pointing to a lady and her husband to try and figure out what the word for husband was... I was convinced that "mujer" meant wife but apparently it just means woman. They laughed it off, but I still felt dumb. Basically I am pointing to people and saying "you, Tarzan, me, Jane."

ok, all for now. Have to get up at 5:30 to catch the school bus. And I thought my days on the bus were long over. heh heh heh. of mice and men...

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