Saturday, December 15, 2012

bad teacher

Tonight, I hung out with my students.

--you aren't supposed to do that.

I was walking along when two crazy girls spotted me.

"MISS WHYTE! MISS! MISS!" Out of nowhere, Karol and Andrea appeared, decked out in 5-inch heels and sleek outfits.

"Where are you going? You girls look beautiful!"

"We just came from church, and now we're going to Sara's birthday party. You're coming, right? Wendy [Sara's sister] invited you!"

Wendy had invited me, but I had no intention of going. The whole thing felt wrong. Going to your student's birthday party? I was pretty sure Jake had mentioned at some point that this was a huge no-no. Plus I was certain I'd be the only teacher. And an awkward one at that-- especially since only two grades actually like me and the other four shoot daggers from their eyes. But I couldn't explain all of this to these sweet girls.

"I know. I'm sorry, I can't go. But it's really nice of Wendy to invite me!"

The conversation repeated like so ("Come on, Miss! Why not?"/ "Because I can't. I'm just your awkward teacher. It's ok."/ "No, Miss! Come on!") for about three minutes. Then a large SUV pulls up with one of my 10th grade boys behind the wheel. It's Celso, the boy who always tries to hug me.

"Hiiiiii, Miss..." he says with that Cheshire grin of his.

Oh dear.

Now it's Celso's turn. "Come on, Miss, get in! Let's go!" ("It's ok, you can be my girlfriend", he adds later.)

Finally, after much protest, Celso drives off. I still haven't completely convinced Andrea and Karol that I won't be attending, but managed to pinky-promise that I will eat baleadas with them. I continue on my rambling errands and stop by my favorite pastry shop and then the Texaco before heading home. My grand plans for the evening were to commence grading and maybe treat myself to a Butterfinger later.

It was not to be. As I approached the gate, I saw two familiar forms peering in.


I knew I was done for. A deer in headlights. This was not going to end well.

"Miss, we ran away! Look at our shoes! [They were wearing mens' sandals.] We ran away to get you and now you HAVE to come, because Wendy invited you! We came all of this way to find you! So you need to go!"

I swear this argument sounded more convincing when faced with their pleading eyes. I know that the #1 Rule of Teaching is never to become friends with your students-- and that has never been my intention. But these girls were so sweet and I couldn't get over the fact that they'd chased me down to bring me to this party. I've likely been the most crap teacher they have ever (and will ever) have, and yet they still (REALLY) wanted me to come.

Stay tuned to Part II in which you find out whether or not I went...

(which you already know but just tune in anyway, OK?! Stop arguing with me. I am your teacher! Do you want to fight with me? No. Now sit down and do as you're told.)

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