Sunday, November 18, 2012

My Fingers Are In A Lime

and this is not the strangest occurrence of the weekend.

(If you look closely, you can see the newly-minted scar on my wrist from making pancakes last week.)

Today was a big day on our social calendar. My roommate, Candra, and I were invited to a birthday party!

Candra was asked to bring guacamole.
I hate guacamole (because I hate avocados). However, I wanted to make myself useful since Candra was doing all the work, so I offered to chop garlic-- something I do enjoy doing.

I ended up having to chop an entire garlic. By the end of it, my fingers hard started smarting. I couldn't figure out what was going on. In my illustrious career of garlic chopping, I had never experienced this before. I turned to google-- but the only home remedy I had available was honey. No help-- my fingers only turned a ten shades more red. In desperation, I read on one site that lime juice counteracted the alkaline of garlic... and sure enough, it was sublime!

heh heh heh.

Well, we're off to the party now!

Au revoir!