Wednesday, November 14, 2012

blah blah blah

I mean, what do you actually want to know?

Do you want to hear about how the principal decided to observe my class with 8th grade?

And about his theory that the reason the students were acting out was because I was taking too much time explaining grammar concepts that they already knew?

Even though every time I tried to move forward they insisted they "didn't get it?"

And I was following the book?

But he waited this long to tell me that they already knew everything?

Or how about stories of how naughty they are?

How every time I turn to write something on the board they clap and sing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU" at the top of their lungs, but no matter how fast I whip around I can't catch whoever it was?

And that when I decided to assign everyone essays as punishment (because likely 13 out of the 15 students were involved), the students rebelled and said it wasn't fair and then the principal agreed it wasn't fair, so as per usual, consequences are never realized?

That one student burst out in frustration while I was trying to quiet the entire class, "MISS! I PAY YOU TO TEACH ME, NOW TEACH!"

And that nothing happened to him?

Or that another student told me point blank "I want to kill you"-- and nothing happened to him either?

Or that three students had terrible attitude with me and slammed their books down and refused to follow instructions-- but when I went to the office they said it was "too late" in the day to give demerits, so now, two days later, they still have not given me the demerits?

Or that the students claim my problem is that I am "not Honduran"?


I am not.

I am me. And I am frustrated. But I am looking forward to Thanksgiving!

Half day of school on Friday, no school on Monday and only half a day on Wednesday (with Thanksgiving on Thursday) = one nice looooong weekend!!! Only 4.5 days of teaching! AND TOMORROW IS PAYDAY!

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