Friday, October 12, 2012

I've got a feeling you light up a lot of rooms with a smile like that.

(lyrics stuck in my head, nothing to do with this post.)

Last weekend we (Carly, Becky, Candra and myself) traveled to Honduras' largest freshwater lake-- Lagos de Yojoa. It was great. The lake was beautiful, although not exactly Lake Michigan... i.e. marshland, not beaches. We teamed up with the rest of England and went canoeing in the lake, where I promptly dropped my sunglasses overboard and drowned Candra's camera in pursuit.

So the weekend had its ups and downs.

I was really impressed with our lodging-- D&D Brewery. They posted this picture yesterday which reminded me of one of my favorite classes at Calvin, led by Professor Warners.

"The earth is for everyone... some have already died, others are still living, but the majority have yet to be born. Protect our environment." 

Definition of sustainability right there, folks.

This weekend we (Candra and I... Becky and Carly are headed to Omoa to have adventures of their own) are headed to La Ceiba to go white-water rafting. I am hoping it won't be too tame (I have heard rumors) because it is $80 if you go for the class III-IV rapids... so $40 (for class I-III) might be all I can afford right now. Consider that this past week I've had to eat on credit at school and only had apples and onions for supper, and you may understand my predicament. Eat or raft... eat or raft... c'est la question, ca!

D'accord... a plus!

(I have been not-so-secretly hoping that I will unlock the hidden link between French and Spanish so that I won't ever really have to put effort into learning Spanish, I just will use my already broken French. Until this time, I've been using the strategy of speaking French anyway, regardless of my audience. Not super successful but then again neither was Rome on its first day of construction!)

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