Sunday, January 13, 2013

What I Want Out of Life

I'm in the midst of what purports to be a life-long crisis: what is the next step, and what is my end goal?

I don't know the answers to these questions but I think a bit of introspection is always a good thing. I may not know what job or school I want on my resume (as if I can make it so merely by desire) but I do have certain things I want out of life.

I want to travel to England to visit my cousin and a few other friends. On this trip I also want to go back to France.

At some point in my life I would also like to visit Italy, Greece and the rest of the Mediterranean-- in my fairytale world, this would  be a honeymoon trip.

Many other countries-- in fact, there is not a country I would say "no" to. I'd love to go the Middle East as I have a firm belief that there is much more to the story. I even want to go to Antartica (wearing my $700 Canada Goose parka, of course).

I also want to learn more languages. I want to perfect French, improve Spanish and begin German. In my perfect world I would learn them all-- but in my realistic perfect world I would also work on Korean and Italian. 

By the way, I've changed my mind. I would wear my $1,500+ Parajumpers parka to Antartica:

Because that is completely practical. 

I want to get married and I want to have two kids of my own and then adopt several.

I want to have a golden retriever named Rowdy.

I want to have a moderate-sized house that is always overflowing with neighbors, family and friends-- and strangers that are soon to fall in one of those categories.

I want to have a part-time job while my kids are young, so that I stay sane, employed, but not overworked.

I want to read libraries full of books.

I want to bike as my primary mode of transportation.

I want to see some of my favorite artists in concert. (Namely Josh Ritter at the moment.)

I want to live close to my grandparents in Cape Breton. I want my family to know how much they mean to me.

I would like to learn to play the guitar, mandolin, drums and re-learn the piano.

I would like to learn to knit wool socks.

I would like to have a fancy camera that always takes Hallmark-worthy photos regardless of user ineptitude.

I want to publish something other than a blog post.

The reality is that I will likely never accomplish more than two or three of these things (I'm hoping knitting wool socks will be one of them). I realize my dreams are big and my funding is low. And none of these fantasies are concrete enough to tell me what I should do come July.


  1. I will happily join you with the coats, biking, knitting, Josh Ritter concert, and France travels! Also I would love to overflow your house (especially if you live in cape breton!)

  2. You do not have a choice-- you were already included in this plan! But glad you agree, it makes the kidnapping bit much easier!
