Thursday, January 10, 2013

Cooking Challenges

Cooking has become rather difficult.

I've suffered from a not-so-pretty medical condition called GERD (you can google it for the lovely details) for as long as I can remember. It's not a serious problem in the least, which is why I went undiagnosed for so long. But it can lead to other stuff (in the most extreme case, cancer-- yikes) so I've been trying to take it seriously and make it stop.

Easier said than done, especially since no one really knows what causes it.

A few studies have linked it to gluten and dairy sensitivities, however, and found that a gluten and dairy-free diet alleviated symptoms. And another study found that when people reduced their BMI to around 20 or below, their symptoms decreased.

Until now, I've found it very difficult to achieve either of these goals. I love cheese! And eating!

But they say a new environment is the best place in which to achieve goals... so here I am in Honduras, (Cheese Lovers Unanimous) attempting to achieve all three at once.

Ha ha ha


No, seriously.

It's been three days, and so far I'm doing ok!

But it is quite challenging.

1. Supplies: I have only one electric plug-in burner to use. (I used to have two but the other one quit working.) No microwave, oven or toaster. Until last week, I didn't even have a can opener.

2. There are very limited options in the grocery store. No quinoa, brown rice or gluten-free pasta to be had. Not that this is unexpected, it just makes it all the more challenging.

3. Long days at school, and TEMPTATION...

4. I'm already bored with cooking for myself. I don't mind once in a while... but man, it's so tedious to cook everything, then wash dishes and countertops and silverware only to turn around a few hours later and repeat. I would make a terrible house elf.

Ok, I know this was rather boring/ pointless to you, poor reader... I am actively attempting to avoid lesson planning AT ALL COSTS and so this has sufficed as yet another tool to escape responsibility. Real life is hard.


  1. Hmmm... trying to become educated on gerd. I think i read something that said the only cure is crepes made in victor hugo park. I'll volunteer to go out there with you to pick some up... if you think that's what's best :D

  2. I believe that is indeed the only cure!!! Can we leave tomorrow???

  3. oh. i'm booked solid tomorrow... how does thursday look for you?
