Thursday, April 18, 2013

Meanwhile back home...

Looks like Grand Rapids may soon live up to its name!

drip drip drop little april showers... (please!)

Yesterday the temperature was 103. 

Today felt ten times hotter as there was no electricity all day long... meaning the fans didn't run, I couldn't splash water on my face, and the students were cranky as all get-out. (Ok, maybe I was the cranky one...) 

but seriously


still melting tonight.

When I moved into Eric's apartment (P.S. that was six months ago) his fan did not work and I've yet to replace it. I pulled my bed right underneath the ceiling fan. I used to think it was neat how high the ceilings were, but now I'm rather unimpressed by the ineffective fan ten feet above my head.

Even though I've told my students I'm 73, I know this is not due to any hot flashes.

Apparently we're due for another rainy season soon. This morning I was awoken by a torrent... it sounded SUPER loud... but didn't do much to cool things down.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Brokeback Mountain

This morning I lay in bed calculating all the different possibilities my remaining fifty-six lempiras ($2.88) presented:

Two Butterfingers and six mangos 
One Butterfinger and twenty-two mangos 
No Butterfinger and thirty-seven mangos 
One Butterfinger, one slice of banana bread and sixteen mangos... 

The first thing I’m going to do when I get back to the United States is to clean off my laptop screen.
The second thing I’m going to do is to buy a boatload of Butterfinger candy bars.
And the third thing I’m going to do is regret that decision. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

agua, or lack thereof.

I swear the landlady is holding out on us. It's like a reverse siege, what with her keeping all the water for herself...

Yesterday evening I came home and she was using the hose-- so I thought, "Wonderful! Our drought has ended!" Sure enough, water ran freely... for a few hours. It hasn't come back on since. We're the only ones without h20, everyone else that I've talked to is flowing with the good stuff.

I do have a jug of (fast depleting) drinking water, but am desperate for a shower.

whinging over.



Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Please, Josh Ritter-- will you marry me?

I thought about posting that on Facebook but considered you'd write me off as just another fan girl. Not true. This is REAL LOVE, guys.


Anyway, let me recount some other ridiculousness.

I've spent about three days with no water, save for my jug of drinking water. Simple actions such as flushing the toilet required filling up a gigantic bucket and carting it up treacherous stairs in order to force-flush the commode.

Trying to wash my face and chest would have been comical to watch as I attempted to pour water over my body with a drinking bottle.... it went everywhere. Then my soap went flying.

Water is back on... for now.

Better head to bed now while Josh Ritter is dodging my proposals.
