Saturday, November 16, 2013

FLIPPED Feedback

A true eBay gem!

"Hello there,

I have yet to receive the boots, but no worries, packages rarely arrive that quickly. Unless these boots are in very different shape than the pictures, you will be receiving great feedback... These are stunning and will definitely keep me satisfied because I decided using your actual photos. In fact they obssessed me my entire afternoon and evening, as I desperately and finally came up with guilt free justification for them. I never really did justify them in truth, so at the very last second I threw in a bid and left it up to fate Ha-ha!! It was meant to be!! Your e-mails have been quite amusing in places, I hope you are putting your wit to good use somewhere- I have never in over 100 purchases run into a buyer even close to as amusing!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, (even snowhyte007 is great), J--------"

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