Sunday, December 30, 2018


not even sure what I want to say except that maybe I've been watching a little (a lot) too much Felicity and I think that I can make coherent sense of my brain if only I ramble enough. I spend so much time trying to have my cake and eat it too. I am pre-occupied with trying to keep all options open that I am not really sure what I want. Is it that I'm too afraid to go for it, whatever "it" is? I don't want to be afraid. I want to be fearless. (Not attempting sexy vagueness here. I really don't know what "it" is in this sense. I'm thinking about career and potential, imaginary life partners and houses and pets and careers-- I said that already-- and kids. I guess careers. Nursing. Nursing?) Felicity has this eerily recent quality about it... even though it was filmed 20 years ago. How is it that it makes the 90s look fashionable??? Also my enter /return key is definitely kaput.

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