Monday, June 5, 2017

five years ago

Gonna call my laptop Lazarus cuz he resurrected a month after Death by Tea.

What I missed most was stuff I'd written that I never planned to share.

So, now that I have Laz back, here's stuff I never planned to share:

September 22, 2012

I didn’t sleep at all last night. I kept thinking I’d get a few minutes in, but I knew mom would be upset if I didn’t clean the room. 

It still hasn’t “sunk in”. When will it sink in? I know it was hard saying goodbye to Mom. Standing in the line of customs it did hit me a bit—I’m really doing this. I’m flying to Honduras.

Here are some gems I’ve overheard (by my seatmates).

“Well, why would you want to finish college early anyway?”
“These young folks… how do they do it? It just amazes me. When we were 18/19, we didn’t travel anywhere. We just got married and had kids.”

This last quote was in reference to me.  Not only am I halfway to twenty-three (and not 18), I also don’t agree that all people lived like that. My grandma travelled Europe with one other friend  shortly after WWII. Talk about ballsy. All I’m doing is going to a nearby country, living with another American, and teaching at a school where the kids already speak English.  And I’m coming back in less than three months for a break. When I was in France I was gone for much longer!

The first real test is coming up soon.

I’m about to meet Jake and Vincente (possibly?) and survive a long car ride through treacherous terrain… or terrible drivers, more likely.
Then I get to meet Candra and Eric!! I’m excited to meet Candra. I’d rather not meet Eric.  Or at least prolong the inevitable as much as possible.

I always think it’s interesting to compare my expectations of a place to the reality.

I’ve kind of cheated because I already have seen a few pictures. I’m trying to downplay the images in my mind because I don’t want to be disappointed with the creepy crawly bugs… or the heat… or the lack of things Eric and I have in common. At this point I think it’d be easier to live with Luke!

I wonder if we’ll drive straight to Catacamas, or spend  a bit of time (overnight?) in Tegus, setting up a bank account…?
I wonder if I’ll break down in tears because it’s been over 30 hours since I last slept.
Or if I’ll snore and drive Candra crazy.
Or I won’t be able to control the students.
Or I’ll be harassed to the breaking point by men.

So awkward watching racy parts of movies on an airplane….

Things I love About Home
--the warm puppy smell of Clyde
--mom and I sipping hot chocolate late at night in the kitchen

September 23, 2012—driving

We’ve been driving for three hours now and I’ve had to pee for four. The roads are not kind to my predicament.

[deleted a part here that still feels a little too private]

September 27, 2012

“MEEEIS! MEEEIS! MEEEIS!!!” I hear called even after returning home for the night.

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