Sunday, December 6, 2015

hello, again

So glad to have these past words to reflect on (for example), for my current situation doesn’t seem all that different. Today, I dream of living, teaching and falling in love in Korea while avoiding my finals in microbiology. Other days I am a writer, a musician, an artist. Sometimes I travel the world, sometimes I live with my grandparents. And I wonder if this is to be the pattern of my life—always flitting from one idea to another, never completely satisfied with my current reality? I’ve always claimed to detest apathy, and maybe this trait accounts for it—but could it be that it’s only another form?

This guy left Korea and his post made me glad I’d stuck it out in Honduras.

Honduras wasn’t awful. I was unhappy with many things surrounding teaching, but I had an experience unlike any other. Though adjectives to qualify that experience are varied, I’m glad for once I muddled through. Leaving early wouldn’t have helped anyone, especially not myself.

And so I’m reminded that checking out on my life is never worthwhile. Thus, to the studies I return.  I’ve plotted a course and I intend to see it through.


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