Monday, September 30, 2013

On Writing

When I read works by awful authors I am inspired to write better ones. But when I read great writing I despair. 

Not much need to continue blogging with the likes of this one floating around. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

A materialistic post

Oh so many pretty things!

The loveliest coat 

The classiest jacket

The best bargain headphones

The fun alternative to rain boots 

Fun Doc Martens here and here

And my top favorite rain boots: here and here.


money is so stupid.

So am I, for wanting.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Today's brightness brought to you by my new tube of toothpaste! All mine! No more sharing a trial size with my sister!!! 

It's the little luxuries. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

for the man who sits behind me

How do you unravel a life
breaking down its components
into xs and ys?

Can experience be separated
from the perceiver
--is alteration reversible
or suffering redeemable?

Does heartache shape
or tear down
your definition of meaning?
--is a life lost
ever found?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

In Response To Miley Cyrus' "Wrecking Ball" "Music Video"

Most construction workers wear hard hats and steel-toed boots. Miley prefers nothing at all.

Good thoughts from The Guardian

Also, why is no one commenting on the Sinead O'Connor ripoff?

Monday, September 9, 2013

100th Post Celebration!

Spent my evening working on a construction site. My boss just turned four. I could tell he was especially pleased when he jumped up and down. He did this a lot. I wish my previous employers had been so enthusiastic about my job performance. My coworker is two. He didn't say much. Mostly he just undid whatever I had done. Maybe that's why Bossman was so ecstatic with my effort.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

things to consider

This is a super long article, I didn't even read the whole thing myself.

Spark notes: Blah blah blah white people are ignorant cultural thieves.

I have more thoughts but I just wanted to give a loud applause to Terry , who left perhaps the most insightful response I've ever read.

Mostly this post is for me to collect inspiration from later. But if you find your mind edified-- well, de nada.

Monday, September 2, 2013

My favorite poem

To Dorothy

You are not beautiful, exactly.
You are beautiful, inexactly.
You let a weed grow by the mulberry
and a mulberry grow by the house.
So close, in the personal quiet
of a windy night, it brushes the wall
and sweeps away the day till we sleep.

A child said it, and it seemed true:
"Things that are lost are all equal."
But it isn't true. If I lost you,
the air wouldn't move, nor the trees grow.
Someone would pull the weed, my flower.
The quiet wouldn't be yours. If I lost you,
I'd have to ask the grass to let me sleep.

--Marvin Bell