Friday, March 22, 2013

I love love I love being in love

with my e-reader!

Ten reasons pourquoi

1. Ease-- so small, so simple, so lightweight! A traveler's dream! No more backpacks weighed down with more books than clothes!

[that was about four reasons in one so let us proceed accordingly]

5. Reasonably priced.

6. Easy word look-up... this is perhaps my favorite feature. I can't get over how COOL it is just to tap on any word I'm unfamiliar with and find an instant definition.

7. Concealment-- ever been embarrassed to be reading a certain title? No longer.

8. Access to thousands of free books via my local library (perhaps I should write a separate KDL love-page).

9. Can read at night without bothering others.

10. I fly through books now.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Real love

This is what teachers live for!

Or at least, why they put up with all the snark from other students...

The students had been trying to figure out my first name for ages... and were never quite sure even when they suspected. Unfortunately my e-mail attaches my name, so after e-mailing this student her grades, the cat was out of the bag.

love letters from my students

Such a charmer, that one. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Forgive my [now hidden] last post

For many others have written far more articulate thoughts on the subject.

But I do not ask forgiveness for the thoughts.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Subtle hints your students no longer like you...

9th grade:

I used to (daily) get compared to this:

I never understood it.

But today, it was-- "Miss, I will tell you something. You know who you look like? Have you seen that Princess movie? You know? With the hair? And Anne Hathaway?"

I thought this was where they were going--

but no.

It was this: