Thursday, February 21, 2013

how to be unproductive

1. Call in sick-- 4 days in a row
2. Get short of breath eating 
3. Stop eating 
4. Get faint
5. Run out of water
6. Procrastinate in getting more water because the jug weighs too much and you don't want to collapse in the street.
7. Go online to look up how long it takes to sanitize water via boiling, only to get distracted by everything else on the internet. 
8. Become suspicious of the cloudy boiled water and finally get the real water. Attempt to tell the lady when she asks that you want the OTHER (cheaper) water, but get charged for the regular water anyway. 
9. Convince yourself to wash the floor, a slow process involving heating water on a burner and pouring it into a bigger bucket to wash with. Start the process only to have the power go out. No more heated water.  
10. Start on another unfinished project...

What's a few missing letters? 

(10.5) Give up and go online again. 

Crap. The power's back on now... motivation to finish washing the floor = 0.